Category Archives: RC2000

RC2000 Installation Guide / Patriot Navigator 18

This file outlines the specific installation of an RC2000 with the Patriot 1.8m Navigator antenna. RC2000 Installation Guide / Patriot Navigator 18.pdf

RC2KINT-90 for Prodelin 3.8M Dual Axis Tracking

This file describes the Prodelin 3.8m Dual Axis Tracking Antenna 90v interface box. RC2KINT-90 for Prodelin 3.8M Dual Axis Tracking.pdf

RC2000C Az/El Prodelin Antenna Interface Manual

This file describes the installation kit used in conjunction with the RC2K90INT-1 interface box which allows an RC2000C Az/El antenna controller to operate a Prodelin 3.8 meter antenna. RC2000C Az/El Prodelin Antenna Interface Manual

RC2000 EASi Antenna Interface Manual

This file describes the installation kit used in conjunction with the RC2K90INT-4A interface box which allows an RC2000 antenna controller to operate an EASi 4.5m meter antenna. RC2000 EASi Antenna Interface Manual.pdf

RC2000A version 2.6x Software Addendum

This addendum documents the RC2000A version 2.6x modifications. RC2000A version 2.6x Software.pdf

RC2000X V170 Software Addendum

This addendum documents changes in the RC2000 software. RC2000X V170 Software.pdf

RC2000C Polar Manual

This file contains the installation, configuration, operating instructions, error conditions, basic troubleshooting and additional documentation for the RC2000C Polar satellite tracking antenna controller. RC2000C Polar Manual.pdf

RC2000C Restoring Non-Volatile Memory

RC2000C Restoring Non-Volatile Memory.pdf

RC2000C DDT Manual

RC2000C DDT Manual.pdf  

RC2000B Manual

RC2000B Manual.pdf