Category Archives: RC2000

UDP Test Program

Sample program for developing IP/UDP based Monitor and Control systems.UDP Test

ACU Finder App

This program will help find any RCI antenna controller on the local LAN by using broadcast pings.ACU Finder

RC2000 MIBs

Management Information Base for RC2000 Antenna Controllers RC2000A.MIB RC2000C.MIB RC2000X.MIB

RC2000 Linear Format Display

This file contains the program that is the Windows versions of the scale2.exe, scale3.exe, and scale4.exe DOS programs. These programs are used to configure the RC2000 controller to display az/el position in a linear format. RC2000 Linear Format

RC2000 (Windows version)

This file contains the program that is similar to the RC2Kx.EXE DOS program found on many of the diskettes and on the web site, though this version is for Windows rather than DOS. This program shows all characters sent to and from the controller. Useful for learning about the communications protocol and for troubleshooting serial […]

RC2000 GUI

This file contains the program that is a simple Windows GUI program for RS422 serial control of the RC2000. RC2000

RC2000 Polar2C

This is a set of files that comes with the RC2000C Polar Version of antenna controllers. RC2000 Polar2C.Zip


This file documents the programs included on the diskette which is included with the RC2000C AZ/EL vers. 1.10 manual.


This file documents the programs included on the diskette which is included with the RC2000B AZ/EL vers. 1.07 manual. RC2000B.Zip


This file documents the programs included on the diskette which is included with the RC2000A vers. 2.30 manual. RC2000A.Zip