Category Archives: RC1500

UDP Test Program

Sample program for developing IP/UDP based Monitor and Control systems.UDP Test

ACU Finder App

This program will help find any RCI antenna controller on the local LAN by using broadcast pings.ACU Finder

RC1500 MIB

Management Information Base for RC1500 Antenna Controllers RC1500.MIB


This file contains the demo program that controls the serial communications for the RC1500 antenna controller and runs in Windows.

RC1500 Preliminary

This is a Set of files that comes with the RC1500 series of antenna controllers. RC1500 Preliminary.Zip

RC1500B Antenna Controller Drawing

RC1500B Antenna Controller Drawing.pdf

RC1500B Quickstart Guide

RC1500B Quickstart Guide.pdf

RC1500 Antenna Controller Implementation

This is a support document for the RC1500 Antenna Controller Implementation. RC1500 Antenna Controller Implementation.pdf

Single Axis Tracking with the RC1500B

This is a whitepaper concerning single axis tracking with the RC1500B controller. Single Axis Tracking with the RC1500B.pdf

RC1500 Legacy Items

The following links contain legacy White Papers and software for the RC1500 Satellite Antenna Controller. Single Axis Tracking with the RC1500B RC1500 Antenna Controller Implementation Computer Control of Satellite Antennas RC1500B Quickstart Guide Interfacing an iDirect Modem to Inclined Orbit Tracking Antenna Controller RC1500B Antenna Controller Drawing RC1500 Preliminary